Friday, August 6, 2010

My best friend is my news feed

I have been thinking about returning to blogging.  The truth is, I have not had a lot to say lately.  This is rather uncharacteristic of me but sometimes you turn inward. But, that's what stress can do. So, we'll see if this drive to express thoughts, feelings and emotions really takes flight or if it is just an impulse for a moment.

I have blogged since before most people knew of the term.  I'm an early adopter with a lot of forms of internet technology but especially blogs.  I took a few years off of really expressing myself in a pretty public forum (you live, you learn!).  But the whole concept of blogging is so fascinating to me so I've never really gone away from it. Blogging can be therapeutic.  It can be informative.  It can be funny.  It can be revealing.

The older I get, the more I respect having personal privacy and consider the impact of my words. Sometimes, your blog, and not actually people, is your audience.  But then, people go and read your blog.  It's a transition when your blog goes from a place of introspection to a place where people come to see what's going on with you.  It's sort of bittersweet because you kind of what it and you kind of don't.

Blogging breads narcissism for some and it's fascinating how hungry people become for it.  It's so interesting that over the past five years, social media has integrated into our lives.  Facebook is addicting.  It's cool to hate Facebook.  And Myspace, oh what I joke.  I ditched MySpace a couple of months ago and the world went on.

We're all just stalking each other.  The girl that was mean to you in high school suddenly tries to friend you.  You "friend" her back because you want to see if she got fat and if her life sucks. Wow, six kids and single and still living in a hick town.  Some how, that makes you a little happy on the inside.   The guy who came back to your house after a killer frat party tells you your beautiful and how you have always had a pretty face. Your ex tells you that you don't look the same and he preferred you how you were ten years ago. You tell your news feed when you're eating breakfast, how you need more coffee and how you hate when people attempt to drive while talking on their cell phone.

The world is now instant and we prefer on demand information.  But in 140 characters or less.  We value brevity over details.  From Facebook, I learned of earthquakes, Britney Murphy's death, breaking news, etc... 

I wake up and check my feed.  I go home for lunch and check my feed. It's difficult to go to sleep without one last check in.  My most intimate friend is the news feed.  More feed.  Feed me...

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